Goddess Lalita
Goddess Lalita Joy is dedicated to approaching life with passion, bliss and vitality. She works as a vessel that flows loving, warm, and infinite light and has been a channel for this energy for over ten years. She provides a relaxing and uplifting experience in a safe and clean environment. She works with you personally and intuitively, paying close attention to your energetic flow. She also loves to make people smile and laugh. Sessions are based on the metaphysics of Tantra, which include (but are not limited to) the study and practice of sacred sensuality, breath work, ancient wisdom, energy medicine and meditation. These tools will serve you on your life path, while enjoying it to the fullest. Book now with the fun-loving and dedicated Lalita Joy and begin your ecstatic journey into the deeper self. She works with men, women, and couples.
“I’ve struggled with Premature Ejaculation to the point that I had given up hope of ever having normal sexual relations. However, after incorporating the mental and physical exercises and the utilizing the breathing and relaxtion techingues I learned from Lalita during our first session, I was able to maintain control long enough to have a beautiful and mutually enjoyable sexual experience. Thank you Lalita…you are a miracle worker!!”– J.R., Atlanta, GA
“The time I spent with Lalita was very moving. I felt the energy inside of me expand more then ever before. I felt my body release in ways it never has. My body was electric, my skin sensitive to every touch. I am looking forward to the next chance I can learn from her.” – Tim, Portland, OR